The language of “poetry”

poetry is the tune that plays inside your subconscious

The language of “poetry”

poetry is the tune that plays inside your subconscious

The language of “poetry”

poetry is the tune that plays inside your subconscious

The language of “poetry”

poetry is the tune that plays inside your subconscious

The language of “poetry”

poetry is the tune that plays inside your subconscious

Power of Letting Go___

The feeling of letting go is so beautifulPeace and self contentment is your reward ❤️Sometimes things are aren’t meant to beAnd sometimes they areAnd we will never knowSo it’s better to let goThings and belongings should be mutual and not forcedFor it will escape one day breaking the sealed doorsSo let it goLessons learnt andContinue reading “Power of Letting Go___”

The power of hate

The Power of Hate Untill recently I never knew or understand how powerful hate is and it is as powerful as love.You think you can hate a person as long as you can without affecting yourself then you are wrong my friend.Hate is more dangerous ,it takes a toll on you ,changes and transforms youContinue reading “The power of hate”

Parallel Hell

Part 1 Hell!We are all familiar with this word . We have often heard this and used somewhere down the line in our lives . Well what is this “Hell”In religion and folklore, Hell is an afterlife location in which evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering, often torture as eternal punishment after death. SuchContinue reading “Parallel Hell”

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